微信版 移动版



2024-05-13 作者: 谢倩雯,孔祥娇,叶欣欣



【内容提要】2020 年底,我国完成脱贫攻坚目标任务。使用系统评价和Meta分析方法,系统梳理和回顾我国在2020 年底前针对低收入家庭儿童实施的各类干预措施。营养包干预能有效改善儿童身体健康状况;信息干预能提高儿童营养知识水平,但对身体健康没有显著影响;综合干预能改善儿童身体健康状况,但对心理健康没有显著影响。儿童年龄、干预对象、干预周期是影响干预效果的重要因素。在推进共同富裕的进程中,提供给低收入家庭儿童的干预措施应以儿童发展性需求为导向,注重在儿童早期进行干预,充分考虑儿童所处的生态系统,保障服务供给的长期性和持续性,关注儿童身心健康的统一性,并充分利用科学研究的证据优化服务模式,以提高干预措施的有效性。


【基金项目】浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题一般项目“共同富裕战略背景下浙江省儿童主观 福利研究”(23NDJC072YB)


Effects of Intervention Programs in Improving Physical and Mental Health Status of Chinese Children from Low-incomeFamilies

Xie Qianwen, Kong Xiangjiao, Ye Xinxin

Abstract: By 2020, China achieved a historic milestone by eradicating absolute poverty. This meta-analysis systematically examines various intervention programs aimed at improving the physical and mental health of children from low-income families in China, before the end of 2020. The findings reveal that nutritional interventions effectively bolstered children’s physical health. Informational interventions enhanced their nutritional knowledge but did not significantly impact physical health. Integrated interventions improved physical health but showed no notable effect on mental health. The current study also underscores the influence of children’s age, participant involvement, and intervention duration on program efficacy. In conclusion, interventions targeting low-income children should prioritize early-stage developmental needs within their living ecosystems. Ensuring the durability and sustainability of these services is crucial, as is a holistic approach to physical and mental health. The study advocates for leveraging scientific evidence to refine service delivery and enhance intervention effectiveness, contributing to China’s pursuit of common prosperity.

Keywords: children; low-income families; intervention; health; systematic review