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2024-05-13 作者: 张浩淼,高晨





【基金项目】国家社科基金重大项目“全面建成小康社会背景下相对贫困治理的实现路径研究 ”( 22&ZD060)


Research on Path of Institutional Changes of China’s Social Assistance System in the New Era of Socialism

Zhang Haomiao Gao Chen

Abstract: This study establishes an analytical framework for the transformation of China’s social assistance system, drawing upon an integrated theoretical approach that combines historical institutionalism with rational choice institutionalism, tailored to the Chinese governance context. Through examining the institutional environment, key events, and varied institutional demands, the research uncoversa three-stage evolutionary path for China’s social assistance system in the new era, characterized by “preparation, breakthrough, and equilibrium”. This exploration elucidates the driving forces and developmental trajectory of institutional change. It clarifies the foundational concepts, objectives, and methods of the development-oriented social assistance system. The study further proposes a multifaceted institutional outlook, encompassing five key areas: enhancing intergovernmental linkages, fostering political and social coordination, optimizing assistance services, leveraging digital empowerment, and integrating the institutional framework. These recommendations aim to guide the ongoing innovative evolution of China’s social assistance system, aligning it with the broader goal of promoting inclusive growth and prosperity.

Keywords: developmental social assistance; institutional change; common prosperity; new era.