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2024-08-15 作者: 郑文换



【内容提要】自20 世纪后半期开始,黑格尔的“承认”概念被国际学界重构,霍耐特和利科的承认理论是最有代表性且旨趣相异的重构成果。本文从思想来源、重构逻辑和承认模式三个维度对其进行比较研究,认为霍耐特将黑格尔的承认概念进一步经验化,把羞耻、愤怒等消极情感视为驱动力,强调了承认的斗争面向;利科则将承认过程分为认同的承认、自我承认以及互相承认三个步骤,认为在羞辱与斗争意志之间还有责任的位置,强调了承认的感谢轮回过程。在社会政策领域,重构的承认概念开始对社会政策的基础性原则发起质询,这提示我们在社会转型背景下,也需要对我国社会政策的分析着力点及其中轴原则进行更为深入的理论考量。



A Comparative Study of Recognition Theories of Honneth and Ricoeur

Zheng Wenhuan

Abstract: Since the second half of the 20th century, Hegel’s concept of“recognition” has been gradually reconstructed, and German scholar Honneth’s and French scholar Ricoeur’s reconstructions are the most representative results with different purviews. This paper makes a comparative study of the two scholars’ recognition theories from three dimensions: thought sources, reconstruction logic, and triple recognition models. It holds that: Honneth further empiricized Hegel’s concept of recognition, emphasized the struggle aspect, and regarded shame, anger, and other negative emotions as the driving force. Ricoeur divided the recognition process into three phases—identity of recognition, self recognition, and mutual recognition. He believed that there is a position of responsibility between humiliation and the will to fight, and emphasized the gratitude cycle of recognition. In the field of social policy, the reconstructed concept of recognition begins to question the basic principles of social policy. This suggests that in the context of social transformation, we also need to conduct a more profound theoretical inquiry into the analysis focus of China’s social policy and its axis principle.

Keywords: recognition; struggle; responsibility; gratitude; comparison