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2023-09-10 作者: 何彩平,赵芳,曾凡林

【作者简介】何彩平,上海市妇女儿童发展研究中心助理研究员,主要研究方向为儿童心理与家庭教育、儿童福利与儿童权利保护;赵芳,复旦大学社会发展与公共政策学院教授,主要研究方向为儿童保护、儿童家庭社会工作;曾凡林,华东师范大学教育学部特殊教育系副教授,主要研究方向为特殊儿童心理与教育、儿童发展与公共政策。特别感谢香港理工大学陈高凌(Ko Ling Chan)教授对本研究前期的分享指教。


【内容提要】儿童友好家庭指标体系的构建是创建儿童友好家庭的重要前提。本文在以定性和定量方法收集儿童自身意见的基础上,通过Delphi法,并经过五轮专家意见咨询,构建了包含3个一级指标、9个二级指标、42个三级指标的儿童友好家庭指标体系。指标体系的构建以儿童的基本权利为基础,以非暴力、不忽视为基本定位,充分考虑到儿童在不同生命周期需求的差异,包含了家庭环境创设、儿童—环境互动,以及儿童状态等三方面内容,旨在使其成为《未成 年人保护法》和《家庭教育促进法》落地后,在家庭教育促进中自我指导的指南,并成为推动家庭友好社会支持政策制定和预防性干预项目实施的参考。




Construction of a Child-friendly Family Indicator System: Based on the Dual Perspectives of Children and Experts

He Cai-ping,Zhao Fang,Zeng Fan-lin

Abstract: The construction of a child-friendly family index system is an important prerequisite for creating a child-friendly family.Based on the qualitative and quantitative collection of children's own opinions, this paperconstructs a child-friendly family index system including 3 first-level indicators, 9 second-level indicators, and 42 third-level indicators through five rounds of expert opinion consultation through the Delphi method. The construction of the index system is based on the basic rights of children, with non-violence and non-neglect as the basic positioning. Taking into account the differences in the needs of children in different life stages, the system includes three aspects: family environment creation, child-environment interaction, and children's status. It aims to become a self-directed guide for family education after the implementation of the Law on the Protection of Minorsand Family Education Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China, and at the same time serves as a reference for promoting the formulation of family-friendly social support policies and the implementation of preventive intervention projects.

Keywords: Family; Child-friendly; Indicator System