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2023-11-13 作者: 宋月萍,彭可余,吴昕阳







Japan's Employment Policy for the Elderly from the Nudge Perspective: Concept, Framework and Practice Logic

Song Yue-ping Peng Ke-yu Wu Xin-yang

Abstract: The aging population problem has become a common issue in the world.Promoting the employment of the elderly population is one of the major means to actively deal with the population aging.Compared with the traditional embedded policy, the nudge policy shows unique advantages.Under the nudge theory, through policy design and implementation, the elderly can make better employment choices while retaining their autonomy of choice.At present, Japan has formed a relatively complete nudge employment policy system for the elderly and achieved remarkable results.Japan's nudge employment policy framework for the elderly contains three steps: the design of a choice system, the shaping of choice willingness, the enforceability of choice, and finally achieving the success of nudge.The success of Japan's nudge policy also has reference significance for China to deal with the aging population problem and promote the employment of the elderly.First, the policy framework for employment promotion should be designed based on the needs of the audience.Second, an inclusive and friendly employment environment for the elderly should be created, and the employment will and ability should be stimulated.Third, the government should mobilize the participation of the market, social organizations, communities, and families to ensure that the best choices made by the elderly can be implemented and the policies can be effectively implemented.

Keywords: Aging Society; Employment of the Elderly; Employment Policy; Nudge Theory