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2023-10-27 作者: 吴真



内容提要】个体化常被当作生育率衰微的重要原由,二者的反向关联借由全球诸多国家的人口演变轨迹暂时得到承认,却在法国家庭政策成功实现生育反弹的历程中被消解。这一历程围绕对待家庭个体化的态度分为前后两段:20世纪 60 年代末之前,以压制个体意识、重塑家庭秩序为核心理念,结果是婚姻家庭越发多变,生育水平不升反降;自 70 年代起,法律政策转向顺应个体诉求、尊重个人选择,同时又在经济社会资源的再分配上注重对弱势个体的帮扶和对强势个体的监督,由此带来了从 90 年代至今的生育水平的回升。后一段的经验投射出法国学界与政界对个体化两重意涵的充分认知:一方面,接纳且善用个体化展现的能动性,另一方面,防范且遏制个体化导致的不公正。由此,在家庭政策的建构中逐渐形成兼顾个体自由和社会公平的底层逻辑,并以此为准绳一以贯之地进行政策的修缮和执行,最终疏通个体化对生育率的阻滞。这段历史不单旨在呈现具体的措施,更在于追问如何恰切地借助政策介入来扭转个体化对生育的抑制,以此为徘徊在崎岖路径上的各国提供思路和启迪。

关 键 词】个体化;生育;法国;家庭政策;底层逻辑


Is Individualisation an Obstacle to Fertility? A Discussion on theEvolution and Underlying Logic of French Family Policy

WU Zhen

Abstract:Individualisation is often considered as an important cause for fertilitydecline. The inverse correlation between the individualisation and the fertility ratewas tentatively verified by the demographic evolution trajectory of many countriesaround the world, but it was questioned during the successful implementation offamily policies in France which had led to a rebound in fertility. This process,revolving around the different attitude towards the individualisation of family,couldbe divided into two stages. The first stage occurred before the end of the 1960s. Thecore concept was to suppress individuality and revive family order. As a result,theinstability of marriage and family gradually increased,and the birth rate did not risebut fell. The second stage began in the 1970s with a new shift of law and policiestowards accommodating individual demands and respect ing individual choices. Thegovernment paid more attention to assist vulnerable individuals in the redistributionof economic and social resources. This had brought about a rebound in fertility sincethe 1990s.The experience in the latter stage reflects the understanding of the Frenchacademic and political circles on the dual connotations of individualisation. In theface of the positive aspects of individualisation,they advocated accepting andmaking good use of the initiatives exhibited by individuals,and thus introduced aseries of regulations and measures to ensure his or her autonomy in marriage andchildbirth. However,in the face of the negative aspects of individualization,attempts were made to level the gap between different individuals in terms of genderand intergenerational relationships in order to prevent and curb social injustice. As aresult,an underlying logic of taking into account both individual freedom and socialfairness has been gradually formed in the French family policies. The Frenchgovernment has used this as a criterion to consistently adjust and implement lawsand policies,and ultimately eased the fertility decline issue set by individualisation.The purpose of this study is not only to present specific measures for encouragingbirthrate,but also to explore appropriate policy intervention to reverse the impact ofindividualisation on fertility,so as to provide ideas and inspiration for countries thatare still trying to find an effective solution to the problem.

Key words:individualisation,fertility,France,family policy,underlying logic