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推进人口规模巨大的现代化: 民生建设的视角

2023-07-16 作者: 李迎生



摘  要民生建设是现代化建设的重要内容,对于推进人口规模巨大的现代化意义重大,是推进中国式现代化的 出发点、关键内容和落脚点。在中国式现代化新征程中,基于高质量发展的时代要求对推进人口规模巨大的民生建 设提出的新的目标任务,立足新时代以来民生建设已经取得的卓越成就打下的坚实基础,因应人口规模巨大国情下 民生建设面临的存量增量并存叠加的各种难题挑战,应将高质量民生建设作为新征程坚持以人民为中心的发展思 想、推进人口规模巨大的现代化的出发点和落脚点; 以社会政策改革创新作为推进高质量民生建设的基本抓手; 坚 持体系完善与重点突破相结合推进新时代社会政策改革创新; 处理好做大蛋糕与分好蛋糕的关系,尽力而为、量力 而行推进高质量民生建设; 坚持党的领导、发挥中国特色社会主义制度优势推进高质量民生建设。

关 键 词人口规模巨大的现代化; 民生建设; 高质量发展; 挑战; 现实进路

基金项目2022 年度国家社会科学基金重点项目“推进以人为核心的新型城镇化的社会政策路径研究” ( 22AZD046) ; 2020 年度北京市哲学社会科学重大攻关项目“后脱贫攻坚时代中国巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成 果的制度体系与实施模式研究”( 20LLSMA003)

Promoting the Modernization of A Huge Population Scale: A Perspective on People’s Livelihood Construction 

LI Ying-sheng 

 Sociological Theory and Method Research Center and Department of Social Work and Social Policy,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872,China

Abstract: The construction of people’s livelihood is an important content of modernization,which is of great significance to promoting the modernization of a huge population scale,and is the starting point, key content and foothold of promoting Chinese-style modernization. In the new journey of Chinese-style modernization,based on the requirements of the era of high-quality development,the new goals and tasks for promoting the construction of people’s livelihood with a huge population scale,based on the solid foundation laid by the outstanding achievements that have been made in the construction of people’ s livelihood since the new era,and in response to the coexistence and superposition of the various problems and challenges faced in people’s livelihood construction under the national conditions of huge population scale,high-quality people’s livelihood construction should be taken as the starting point and foothold of the new journey,adhere to the people-centered development thinking,and promote the modernization of huge population scale; Take social policy reform and innovation as the basic starting point for promoting high-quality people’s livelihood construction; Adhere to the combination of system improvement and key breakthroughs to promote social policy reform and innovation in the new era; Handle the relationship between making the cake bigger and dividing the cake well,and do our best to promote the construction of high-quality people’s livelihood; Adhere to the leadership of the Party and give full play to the advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics to promote the construction of high- quality people’s livelihood.

Key Words: Modernization of a huge population; People’s livelihood construction; High-quality development; Challenge; The realistic strategy