微信版 移动版



2024-03-15 作者: 胡秋爽






Market or Hierarchy? A Study of Organizational Governance Models in Digital Labor Platforms

HU Qiu-shuang

Abstract:While existing research on digital labor platforms has predominantly focused on the technological implications, the role of organizational dynamics has been relatively understated. Market and hierarchy have been conventionally regarded as two alternative modes of organizational governance in economic activities. This study employs a qualitative analysis of digital labor platforms, uncovering how these platforms navigate the structural contradictions between labor flexibility and productivity assurance. The findings reveal that digital labor platforms utilize a combination of agency and authorization mechanisms in their vertical and horizontal structures, incorporating intermediary agencies and service requesters into their organizational systems. By integrating market characteristics (high flexibility) with hierarchical elements (high control), these platforms evolve a novel organizational governance model, effectively balancing distributed management with a panopticon. This study illuminates the sophisticated organizational strategies underpinning digital labor platforms, thereby extending thediscourse beyond technological aspects.

Keywords:digital labor platforms, organizational governance model, market, hierarchy, digital economy