微信版 移动版



2024-07-16 作者: 陈氚,李晓曼




【关 键 词】人工智能;决策替代;功能可承担性;社会缓冲



Decision-making Substitution by Artificial Intelligence and Its Social Buffering: A Case Study of the X Intelligent Power Plant

Abstract:In the context of the new technological and industrial revolution, artificial intelligence presents the possibility of replacing human decision-making. In the digital transformation of the X Intelligent Power Plant, the objective material properties of artificial intelligence technology constitute a partial decision- making substitute for engineers and an impact on the established organizational power structure. Multiple factors, such as the nature of the enterprise, strategic goals, and established interest patterns, have led various actors to form a social buffer against the impact of AI technology through practical strategies such as algorithmic rewriting, strategie abandonment, and conversion of substitution. The findings of this paper reveal that the impact of AI on human society will trigger different social buffering mechanisms, with social factors acting as buffer layers and filters for the social impact of the technology.