Concept Flows: A New Perspective to Analyze Information Diffusion and Conceptual Evolution in the Digital Age
Abstract: Understanding the information diffusion in the digital age needs to deal with the increasing social dynamics and complexity. This article proposes an analytical perspective "Concept Flows" and reveals the complex landscape of concept flow within digital platforms by mining the emotions, collective views, and biases embedded in information. In the aspect of platform,the three concepts constitute a multiplicity of flows with varying rates over time. In the aspect of concept flow from platform to users, despite the fluctuations of concepts pushed by the platform due to external events, the concept differences between users do not increasingly diverge, converge, or become chaotic. Instead, they exhibit a "sympathetic resonance effect". These findings reveal the complex interaction mechanisms among social facts, platforms, and users behind information diffusion. The Concept Flows perspective's sensitivity and flexibility in capturing complex social dynamic changes suggest its potential application in broader important agendas about digital society.