微信版 移动版



2023-08-19 作者: 严宇琼,孙秀林



【内容提要】基于 2018 年中国家庭追踪调查数据,本研究采用潜在类别分析法,深入探索我国居民的互联网使用模式,并在此基础上考察了数 字空间的资源分配情况。研究发现,我国现有四种互联网使用模式,分别是杂食型、发展型、娱乐型和不活跃型。一般来说,社会经济地位越高,越可能是活跃的互联网使用者,也越可能在多领域使用互联网。此外,我们还比较了“数字原生代”与早期世代间的数字不平等情况,结果显示,收入、教育对互联网使用的影响在早期世代中更大,而职业对互联网使用的影响在“数字原生代”中更大。本研究认为,现实空间的优势会转化成数字空间的优势,数字不平等是现实不平等的再现,互联网在带来机遇与发展的同时,也带来了新的风险和挑战。



Digital Inequality from the Perspective of Cultural Omnivorousness

YAN Yu-Qiong,SUN Xiu-Lin

Abstract:Based on CFPS2018, this paper investigates patterns of Internet use and examines the allocation of digital resources. Through latent class analysis (LCA), we identify four types of Internet use: omnivorous, developmental, recreational and inactive. Further analyses show that individuals with higher socioeconomic status are more likely to be active Internet users and to use the Internet for various purposes. Moreover, we examine digital inequality between“digital natives”and their predecessors, and the results indicate that income and education have a great effect on Internet use for the predecessors, while occupation significantly effects Internet use for the“digital natives”. Our findings suggest that advantages in physical space would be turned into advantages in digital space while the inequality in virtual world mapping that in physical society.Meanwhile, the Internet brings opportunities and development as well as risks and challenges.

Keywords: socioeconomic status,digital inequality,the omnivore theory