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2024-07-16 作者: 杜世超



【内容提要】本文对21 世纪美国社会学界关于父职缺席的研究进行了梳理,发现父职缺席具有物理意义和情感意义两个维度,且对应不同的本质、理论及研究方法。父职物理缺席的本质是社会结构问题,结构主义的理论关怀指导了一系列定量研究,强调父职缺席通过结构化的方式进行不利的资源代际传递,进而造成不平等的社会再生产。父职情感失联的本质是不平等的性别分工,建构主义的理论关怀指导了一系列定性研究,批判父职缺席背后的男性霸权。美国社会学界父职缺席研究可以为理解中国社会提供一定的理论支持,同时中国独特的本土经验也能为父职缺席研究提供理论创新。

【关 键 词】父职缺席 / 物理缺席 / 情感缺席 / 中国本土经验



Physical Absence and Sentimental Disconnection:A Literature Review on Father Absence Research in the U.S. in the 21st Century

DU Shichao

Abstract:This paper reviews father absence research in the U.S. academia in the 21st century and finds that absent fatherhood has two dimensions: physical and sentimental absence. Each dimension corresponds to its unique essence, theoretical paradigm, and research method. The essence of physical absence is the structural problem. Built on this, structuralism and relevant theoretical perspectives have guided a series of quantitative studies on physical father absence, highlighting intergenerational transmission of disadvantaged resources and the consequent social reproduction of inequality. Meanwhile, the essence of sentimental absence is the unequal gender division of labor. Given this, constructivism and relevant theoretical perspectives have guided a series of qualitative studies on sentimental father absence, criticizing the masculine hegemony behind it. The above research from the U.S. gives theoretical support in understanding the father absence in China, while Chinese local experience would also create the potential for theoretical innovation,providing new inspirations for sociological research in this field.

Keywords:father absence, physical absence, sentimental absence, Chinese local experience