微信版 移动版



2024-06-04 作者: 蓝浦城,向成佩




【关 键 词】慈善捐赠;公私部门;行政动员;亲社会动机



Beyond Administrative Mobilization:How Does the Differences in Donation Behavior between Public and Private Employees Generate

LAN Pucheng,XIANG Chengpei

Abstract:Most existing studies explain why public employees donate more than private employees based on the administrative mobilization perspective.This paper innovatively incorporates both administrative mobilization and prosocial motivation into the research model and systematically investigates the mediating mechanism of the“public-private difference”in individual donation behavior. Based on the CGSS data, the paper reveals that compared with private employees, the amount and proportion of donations from public employees are significantly higher, which is not only because they have been subjected to more administrative mobilization and even administrative coercion in the process of donation, but also due to they have stronger prosocial motivation than private employees. However, the effect of prosocial motivation is relatively weak, and administrative mobilization is still the primary mechanism for the differences in donation behavior between public and private employees in the sample period, which is reflected in various core donation fields such as poverty alleviation and disaster relief, health care, education, and ecological protection. Our research shows that public employees are more involved in philanthropy than private employees, which is more than just a kind of“passively voluntary participation” and “administrative participation”; it has the meaning of“proactive participation” and“moralparticipation”to a certain extent.

Keywords:charitable donations, public and private sectors, administrative mobilization, prosocial motivation