微信版 移动版



2024-07-15 作者: 狄金华




【关 键 词】省制;官制改革;行政分权;军民分治;组织基础



The Reform of the Official System and State Governance Transformation in the Late Qing and Early Republican Era

Abstract:The reform of the official system in the late Qing Dynasty was a process of transforming the traditional 'internal-external” official system by applying the external 'central-local” official system after the opening of the door of modern China, and its purpose was to solve the internal difficulties through the adjustment of administrative power and to improve administrative efficiency to cope with international competition. This paper brings the issue of the provincial system back to the discussion of administrative decentralization. Taking the fact of the reform of the official system, an important event in the transformation of state governance, this paper explored a historical changing process in which the administration characteristic of imperial China shifted from the ' one-officer- government” organizational structure and the institutional setup focusing on “prevention of malpractice” to the construction of a complete administrative structure centered on the “governance of affairs'. This paper delved into the dilemmas and the modern administration governance structure in this process, and based on that, the paper made reflections on the organizational conditions and institutional foundations of administrative decentralization.