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官僚场域的还原与共和主义的规范 ——论布迪厄国家学说的双重面孔

2024-02-18 作者: 郑琰,熊跃根






Reduction of Bureaucratic Field and the Norm of Republicanism: On the Dual Faces of Bourdieu’s Theory of the State


Abstract:The state theory has recently been influenced by Bourdieu and shows a trend of“cultural turn”. However, Bourdieu’s theory on the state some? how has rarely been discussed as an overt theme. In this paper, the authors aim to unveil“the Dual Faces”of the state by interpreting the reduction of the bureaucratic field and the norm of republicanism, in order to explore Bourdieu’s theory on the state systematically based on his lectures at the College de France. First, Bourdieu creates the concept of“legitimate monopoly of symbolic power”to redefine the modern state and further developing his epistemological reflection on the state as a starting point. Second, Bourdieu attempts to reveal the practical logic of the bureaucratic field and realizes a sociological reduction of state magic by employing a methodology of genetic structuralism. Third, this paper attempts to analyze the“political turn”of Bourdieu’s thoughts in his final years through the lens of his state theory, in which he emphasizes more on the normative face of the modern state rather than its dominant face. Moreover,Bourdieu returns both theoretically and practically to the French tradition of republicanism represented by Emil Durkheim. In sum, the dual faces of the modern state exhibits not only the inner tension of Bourdieu’s state theory but also provides a new cultural perspective toward it.

Keywords: epistemological reflection, symbolic violence, bureaucratic field, state magic, republicanism