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2024-09-17 作者: 施芸卿







The Production of the "Interface": The Practical Mechanism in the Construction of the Grassroots Governance Openness

Abstract:Faced with the complex reality, the construction of openness has become a key issue in the modernization of governance, but how can it be achieved in the interaction with closure rooted in the general demands that exist with Chinas national governance? Taking the construction of a new public cultural space as an example, this paper explains how actors can produce an "interface" as the connecting mechanism and an "intermediary" as the translator by making an issue of the interface point (space), interface (culture and society) and junction mechanism (governance mechanism), so as to dissolve the tension and open the field of grass roots governance. "The production of the interface" reveals the production of inclusive institutional flexibility and the process of constructing the State society interface mechanism, reflecting the hidden flexibility of power operations, and is of theoretical and practical significance in exploring the frontiers of Chinese style governance modernization.