【内容提要】本研究基于档案资料,以 20 世纪 60 年代上海街道设置的生产生活联合管理组为案例,呈现街居这一行动主体在生产动员和日常管理之中所起到的重要作用,分析“条块”之间的边界摩擦。上海设立街道联管组的初衷是将游离于计划体制之外的社会群体纳入正式组织架构,使得基层的“社会性”服膺于国家的政治理性,但在实践过程中,街道联管组在行政上受制于条块关系,在功能上出现经济生产职能与社会管理职能的冲突,受限于不同主体的多元化激励结构,未能真正实现对“非单位人群”的有效组织和管理。本研究呈现了计划经济时期城市管理的复杂性,在理解新中国的“国家-社会”关系时,需要重视科层式的正式机构与社会群体之间的互动方式,进一步关注那些看似边缘的群体对正式制度和权力的限制与重塑过程。
【关键词】单位制 / 街道联管组 / “非单位人群” / “条块”关系
Inter-Organization Interaction and Power Restructuring: An Institutional Analysis of the“Subdistrict-Level Joint Management Team”during the Command Economy in Shanghai
Abstract: This study, based on archival materials, takes a close look at the case of the“subdistrict-level joint management team”in Shanghai during the 1960s. It elaborates on the significant role of subdistrict authorities in mobilizing production and daily management, as well as on the enduring tension between tiao and kuai.The research demonstrates that the initial objective of establishing subdistrict-level joint management teams in Shanghai was to incorporate social groups beyond the scope of the planned system into the formal organizational structure. This was done to align the“sociality”of the grassroots with the political rationality of the country. Nevertheless, in practice, subdistrict-level joint management teams encountered constraints due to the influence of tiao-kuai relationships in the administrative context. This led to a divergence between the desired outcomes of economic production and the actual outcomes of social management functions.The heterogeneous incentive structure of various subjects has impeded the efficacy of subdistrict-level joint management teams in organizing and managing non-institutionalized social groups. The study presents the intricate nuances of urban governance in a planned economy. To gain insight into the evolving“state-society”dynamic post-1949, it is essential to examine the intricate interplay between formal hierarchical institutions and social groups. Additionally, it is crucial to recognize how seemingly marginalized groups have constrained and restructured formal institutions and power.