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2023-08-20 作者: 苗大雷



【内容提要】本文以单位组织和集体行为的关系为切入点,关注 21 世纪以来单位组织在社会整合和社会稳定方面的作用及其变化,探讨单位组织在新时代的社会价值。基于2003年和2013年CGSS数据的分析发现,单位组织能有效调节并减少集体行为的发生,且这种效应在党的十八大以后明显强于21世纪初期。这种调节作用主要通过政治机制和相对剥夺机制得以实现,单位组织对预防和化解社会矛盾的重视以及单位组织成员的政治认识,分别从外在组织控制和内在认识转变两方面共同削弱了单位组织成员的集体行为倾向。本研究表明,单位组织在中国社会仍发挥着重要的社会整合作用,它们对促进社会稳定具有积极作用,新时代国家治理能力的提升需重视和挖掘单位组织所蕴含的组织资源和优势。             



How Can Danwei Promote Social Stability?The Inter-Organizational Difference of Collective Action and Its Implication


Abstract:This paper uses the 2003 and 2013 CGSS data to analyze the seg?mentation effect and its changes of danwei on collective action. We found that danwei has significant inhibitory effects on collective action as a whole, and the impact of this inhibition is significantly enhanced after the 18th National Congress of the CPC than in the early 21st century. The political mechanism and the relative deprivation mechanism play an important role through external orgnization control and internal perception, so the collective action orientation of the members of danwei is gradually declining. Given the influence of danwei on collective action, danwei still play an important role in social integration in current China. In future we need to pay more attention to excavating the organizational resources contained in danwei system, which can help improve the state governance capabilities.

Keywords: danwei, social stability, collective action, social integration