微信版 移动版



2024-05-12 作者: 管兵,罗俊







Bureaucratization of Adhocracy Organization: A Case Study of Organizational Changes in the Urbanization of the City A in China

Abstract:Adhocracy organizations are born out of specific tasks and are ad hoc and changeable in nature. The key issue of this paper is what factors lead to the choice and change of organizational forms in the task process. Using a case study approach,this article examines the organizational forms adopted by City A to advance the urbanization task over a 20-year-long task cycle: traditional bureaucracy, adhocracy, and adhocracy bureaucratization. In theory, the task is taken as the explanatory perspective, and the vertical, horizontal and dynamic attributes of the task are specifically defined to explain the organizational changes by the combination of the task attributes' changes. This article argues that adhocracy organizations are the government's organizational response to task incentives,taskcomplexity,and new tasks, which is the core driving force behind the evolution of bureaucracy in China since the reform and opening up.