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“差序格局”的形成及其变迁机制—— 一项基于行动者建模的研究

2023-09-01 作者: 尚进,吴晓刚

【作者简介】尚进,上海大学社会学院社会学系博士候选人,主要研究方向为计算社会学;吴晓刚, 上海纽约大学御风全球社会科学讲席教授、纽约大学社会学系教授,主要研究领域为社会不平等、分层与流动、社会人口学、城市社会学、调查与定量研究方法等。


【内容提要】借助差序格局中“差”和“序”的基础原则,本文引入社会网络视角,运用基于行动者建模方法,对社会交往网络(“圈子”)从乡土社 会、工业社会到网络社会的建构和变迁过程进行模拟。结果发现,在乡土社会中,基于血缘等同质性因素,圈子内部存在以自我为中心的“差”的格局,圈子与其他圈子存在等级分层的“序”的格局;在工业社会中,基于同质性社会交往与工具性社会交往,乡土社会的血缘圈子在消解的同时,演化出新的以同质性社会交往和工具性社会交往为基础的复杂圈子;在网络社会中,每个圈子都被圈子的中心所控制,而圈子的中心个体之间也存在类似的结构,因此圈子之间和圈子内部都存在着互联网中的“差序格局”。本文通过对“圈子”形成过程的解释和分析,加深了我们对“圈子”这一社会结构的形成和发展逻辑的认识。

【关 键 词】圈子;差序格局;社会网络;基于行动者建模



The Formation of“Differential Mode of Association”and Its Transformation Mechanism:A Study Based on Agent-Based Modeling

SHANG Jin,WU Xiao-Gang

Abstract:By basic principles of“difference”(cha) and“order “ (xu) in the concept of“the Differential Mode of Association”, this article employs social network perspectives and agent-based modeling to simulate the formation and transformation process of“socialcircle”from an agrarian society to an industrial society to an internet society. In an agrarian society, based on the assumption of regional homogeneity such as consanguinity, the model evolves into a social circle with a“differential order pattern”. There is also a self- centered“differential”pattern among the individuals in the social circle, and a hierarchical“order”pattern between the internal circle and other internal circles. In an industrial society, based on the assumption of homogeneous social interaction and instrumental rational social interaction, the social circle of“differential order pattern” characterized by agrarian society diminishes, and a new complex social circle is formed. In an internet society, each social circle is controlled by the center of the circle, and there are similar structures among the central individuals of the circle. Therefore, a“differential order pattern”also exists between circles and among circle members. Through the deduction and analysis of a“social circle” formation process using agent-based modeling, this article aims to gain a deeper understanding of thee formation and transformation process of a“social circle” as a social structure across different development stages.

Keywords:social circle,differential mode of association,social network,agentbased modeling