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2024-11-19 作者: 周晓虹




【关键词】戈夫曼 / 拟剧理论 / 印象整饰 / 污名整饰 / 定性研究方法


The World, in Truth, Is a Wedding: Goffman’s Dramaturgical Theory and Its Research Approach

Abstract: Erving Goffman is one of the representatives of the vast field of symbolic interactionism. By integrating the structural role theory of Manford Kuhn and the process role theory of Herbert Blumer, Goffman drew from the strengths of various sources in both theory and methodology, creating the Dramaturgical Theory, which had profound impacts later on. The earliest elaboration of this theory can be found in his book The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Goffman used rich theatrical concepts such as individual“performance”and team“collusion”to describe how people maintain the normal order of the interactive world by presenting themselves in daily life. Later, in his book Stigma, Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity,he discussed the two interrelated alternative groups of stigmatized and potentially stigmatized individuals, and how they maintain their unique way of self-presentation through the modification of stigma in situations of discredited or discreditable. By interpretating Goffman’s unique life history, we can see that his works are more like encrypted versions of personal biographies, or his sociological imagination stems from his exceptionally rich and alternative experiences.