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2024-03-15 作者: 田方萌



【内容提要】潘光旦是中国社会学史上一位较难书写的学者。结合中西方的优生学史和社会学史文献,本文指出“生物学派”曾一度流行于西方社会学界,潘光旦的学术思想与此派存在直接的源流关系。从孔德提出的科学层级来看,生物学是位于社会学下位的科学,社会学因而受制于生物学的规律。潘光旦在此意义上丰富了人类行为的解释层次,开创了从生物学视角分析文化现象的研究范式。但主流社会学在20 世纪曾长期疏远生物学,当代一些社会学者致力于融合生物学建立综合性的理论范式,很大程度上受到了社会生物学等新兴学科的推动。鉴于与研究人类有关的当代生物学有助于补充和完善各类社会理论,本文主张中国社会学应沿着潘光旦开辟的学术道路,建立和发展“生物社会学”。



Integrating Biology and Sociology: Pan Guangdan’s Important Contribution in the History of Chinese Sociology

TIAN Fang-meng

Abstract:It is not easy to integrate Pan Guangdan into the history of Chinese sociology. Based on the historical literature of eugenics and sociology in the West and China, this paper argues that biological theories once influenced Western sociologists, and directly guided Pan’s research orientation. According to Auguste Comte’s theory of scientific knowledge, biology is at the lower layer of sociology, and sociology is subject to biological laws. In this sense, Pan enriched the explanatory framework of human behaviors, and established the research paradigm for cultural analysis from a biological perspective. Mainstream sociology had long kept its distance from biology in the 20th century. Largely driven by the progress of sociobiology and other new disciplines, some contemporary sociologists have attempted to develop a comprehensive social theory by integrating biological theories. Since human biology would help sociologists modify and improve social theories, this paper calls for the construction and development of biosociology in China along the way pioneered by Pan Guangdan.

Keywords:Pan Guangdan, eugenics, the hierarchy of scientific knowledge, biosociology, nature/nurture debate