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2024-09-18 作者: 张巍卓




【关键词】文学批评 / 表现 / 文学革命 / 革命文学 / 社会教育



Cheng Fangwu: The Sociological Enlightener of Dialectics

ZHANG Weizhuo

Abstract: Cheng Fangwu is the founder of socialist higher education in China.From the perspective of research importance, revisiting his spiritual heritage is related to the search for the source of Chinese socialist education. In his early years,he devoted himself to literary criticism. Although he did not use the term“sociology”, he consciously explored a way of thinking from philosophical epistemology to social science to mold modern Chinese people’s personalities. His spiritual exploration can be summarized as a sociological enlightenment of dialectics. After that, he translated classic works of Marxist social science and engaged in revolutionary and socialist education. In fact, it is a natural result of the social consciousness with which he started his literary career from the very beginning. His initial exploration of literary criticism, in terms of its sociological consciousness, paved the way for his future acceptance of Marxism.

Keywords: literary criticism, expression, literary revolution, revolutionary literature, social education