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2024-08-15 作者: 罗力群



【内容提要】生物学对社会学的影响贯穿于整个社会学史,但直到 20 世纪 60 年代之后,社会学早期历史上对生物学的零散兴趣才逐渐发展为借鉴生物学研究人类社会的系统努力。这种努力的结果就是现代生物社会学。生物学对社会科学和社会学的影响主要来自进化生物学、遗传学和神经科学,生物社会学也相应地形成了三个主要的分支:进化社会学、遗传社会学和神经社会学。积极地把生物学因素纳入社会学研究,可以为社会学引入新的概念和理论范式,丰富现有的知识体系和研究层次,也有助于提升学科声望,促进学科的发展壮大。

【关键词】生物社会学 / 进化社会学 / 遗传社会学 / 神经社会学


The Rise of Biosociology since the Late 20th Century

LUO Liqun

Abstract:The influences of biology on sociology are throughout the history of sociology. Only since the 1960s has the piecemeal interest in biology in the early history of sociology gradually developed into a systemic endeavour of having recourse to biology in human social studies. An outcome of the endeavour is exactly modern biosociology. The influences of biology on social science and sociology mainly come from evolutionary biology, genetics, and neuroscience. Correspondingly, biosociology has three primary branches: evolutionary sociology, genosociology, and neurosociology. The integration of biological knowledge with sociological studies can bring new concepts and theories, and enrich the knowledge system and research levels of sociology. Moreover, this will help promote the prestige and growth of sociology.

Keywords: biosociology, evolutionary sociology, genosociology, neurosociology