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2024-05-12 作者: 岳永逸,熊诗维







Sociological Experiments: The Evolution of the Localization of Human Ecology

Abstract:In the early 1930s,the developing human ecology was introduced into China. Through the efforts of sociology colleagues at Yenching University, human ecology and functional anthropology were organically combined, and community studies with local disciplinary awareness emerged. In this process,ZhaoChengxin was an important introducer and promoter. Based on the theory's American context,he has interpreted the concept, scope, and outcomes of human ecology. At the same time, including the translation of the term,the localization of human ecology has always been accompanied by screening,criticism and reflection. Based on existing research,ZhaoChengxin creatively proposed the model of 'village-town community', and then led the 'sociological laboratory' of P'ing-Chiao- Tsun, a methodology-heavy experiment,for ten years. All these efforts not only enriched the form and connotation of early Chinese sociology, but also enhanced its ability to engage in dialogue with overseas academics.